Arena:  Self-Knowledge for Leading and Supporting

Total Quality Management

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Total Quality Management

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Activity 1 – Accelerating Knowledge Sharing

Each Catalytic Thinking Lab is supported by a WindTunneling project. WindTunneling is a systemic methodology to accelerate learning and knowledge sharing. Share what you learned from the lab transparently and anonymously. Compare your thinking and respond to the ideas of others. Everyone gets to see every idea; no one knows who shared which idea.

Go to WindTunneling. Use Project Code 52SKAK  to record your insights.


Activity 2 – Core Concept Expansion

Do a core concept expansion for the word quality. You can do this on a big sheet of paper, like a knowledge map, or you can write it out in sentence format.

1. Write out the Lexical or Dictionary Definition and Etymology (optional)
2. What is the opposite word?
3. What is a synonym of the word? How are they different?
4. How is this word used (and/or mis-used) in professional settings
5. What is your first memory (or earliest feeling impression) of the word?
6. What is the colloquial (everyday common) use of the word?
7. Does the word evoke a color, shape, image, or heat (feeling)?

Activity 3 – Deming’s 14 Points

Read this short blog on American Society for Quality listing Deming’s 14 Points for Total Quality Management.

Create three columns on a large sheet of paper. On one side, list Deming’s 14 Points (make 14 rows). Use one column to document where your organization is in relationship to the point. Use the other column to document where you are in relationship to the point.

Total Quality Management

Other References, Articles, and Books