Arena:  Self-Knowledge for Leading and Supporting

Archetype of Transformation

Go Deeper

Archetype of Transformation

Download Chalkboard PDF

ACTIVITY 1     Accelerating Knowledge Sharing

Each Catalytic Thinking Lab is supported by a WindTunneling project. WindTunneling is a systemic methodology to accelerate learning and knowledge sharing. Share what you learned from the lab transparently and anonymously. Compare your thinking and respond to the ideas of others. Everyone gets to see every idea; no one knows who shared which idea.


Go to WindTunneling. Use Project Code 52SKC to record your insights.


ACTIVITY 2     Mapping Personal Transformations

Go deeper with your activity Mapping Personal Transformation. Create three baselines, on each for personal, professional, and community. On each baseline, map three transformations that you went through in the last year.

Study your process of normalization. When you look at all the three base lines, what are the similarities and differences with how you shaped the normalization processes? Reflecting on the main action, the throws of change, how did you respond emotionally? What were the most difficult elements of your transformation and why? As a result of all of these transformations, what is different about how you are living in the world?

ACTIVITY 3     Teaching as Learning

Teach another colleague who wasn’t in the lab about the archetype of transformation. Use the print out of the board PDF or make your own visual diagram for your presentation. Use at least two examples from your organization in your presentation. You can use the examples from the activity and create two new ones. Draw them out to illustrate as you give your presentation.

Other References, Articles, and Books

  • Share references, articles, or books in the WindTunneling Project that you think will be good supplemental content for future participants.