Arena:  Self-Knowledge for Leading and Supporting

Archetype of Transformation

ACTIVITY 1  Mapping Personal Transformations

Step 1

On a big sheet of paper, create a time baseline. You can establish any time baseline – consider using a week to 6 months for this map. Indicate your time window on your baseline.

Step 2

On the baseline, map three archetype transformations as you are experiencing them in your personal life, professional life, and in your community life. Consider the shape and progress of each archetype – where are you in the pattern of each transformation? Draw the shape of your archetype accordingly.


Step 3

For each archetype, identify the antecedent conditions.

How were they the same or different?

What was/were the catalysts?

What was the timing of the catalysts in relationship with the other transformations?

How does this help you see things in context?

Step 4

Discuss your maps with a partner.