Arena:  Navigating Complex Issues

WindTunneling Analog


Step 1

Working alone or in a small group (2-3 people).


Imagine future event scenarios. Write a short 2-3 sentence description for each scenario. Create a simple 2X2 chart on a large sheet of paper. 


Label the columns: Low Probability | High Probability
Label the rows: Low Impact | High Impact


Discuss your future events and arrange them on the 2X2.


Step 2

Choose three scenarios for the WindTunnel that have high impact and high probability.


Define different potential strategies or current operations to look at a relationship to each scenario. Lay these out in a grid on a large piece of paper, chalkboard, or whiteboard. 


Step 3

Each participant makes unique sticky notes for each combination of scenario/strategy.

What do you think will happen? Post notes on the WindTunnel.


Step 4

Cluster the notes to identify patterns and emergent themes. This process enriches thinking and imagination.


Step 5

How does this information help us redesign our strategies for greater resilience? Look across strategies as well as across scenarios. Based on the clustering, refine your strategies.


Step 6

Watch the Synthesis video.