Arena:  Navigating Complex Issues

Capacity of Our System

ACTIVITY 2  Capacity of Our Networked System Asset Mapping

Step 1

Watch Activity 2 video.

Work in small groups (3-4 people) to discuss and explore the capacity of your networked system. Your network could include other professionals, clients, organizations, businesses, and government agencies.


Draw an asset map of where you are within a larger system. Who is in your network? What do you already know about each of these relationships? How are people already connected?


Step 2

How can you take a leadership role to bring people together? How do we build trusting relationships between and among the members? This has to be done with a high level of social consciousness to inquire what each group needs for all of us to move forward together.


If we see ourselves as unassuming leaders, our job is to focus on building the capacity of the networked system. Discuss where you could invest time, attention, resources. Our ability to function as a networked system is dependent on relationships. The system trusts itself when it knows itself.