Arena:  Applied Critical Thinking

Organizational Futures

Go Deeper

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Activity 1 – Accelerating Knowledge Sharing

Each Catalytic Thinking Lab is supported by a WindTunneling project. WindTunneling is a systemic methodology to accelerate learning and knowledge sharing. Share what you learned from the lab transparently and anonymously. Compare your thinking and respond to the ideas of others. Everyone gets to see every idea; no one knows who shared which idea.

Go to WindTunneling. Use Project Code 23 ACAJ to record your insights.


Activity 2 – Synthesis

Spend 10-15 minutes reflecting on the lab activity. What insights did you have? How could you imagine your organization working with this activity? What difference do you think it could make? How can this activity help you develop professionally? Take the time to write down your key takeaways.


Activity 3 – Futuring with Serial Inferences ~ Continue with Your Group

If there is time, or on your own later, continue working with your group.

Based on your map, how would you revise your Opportunity Statement based on this activity? Did you notice any new assumptions embedded in that opportunity by imagining into the future? Do new assumptions change your certainty about the opportunity? What indispensable information do you need to address any new assumptions

Pick a new opportunity and repeat the activity.


Other References, Articles, and Books

  • Share references, articles, or books in the WindTunneling Project that you think will be good supplemental content for future participants.