Arena:  Applied Critical Thinking

Rewards and Punishments

Activity 1 – Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

Step 1 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Knowledge Map

Take about 20 minutes for quiet reflection. On a big sheet of paper, make a knowledge map to explore extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in your personal, community, and professional life.

Step 2

In each area, identify the places (relationships) where you notice sticks and carrots. Where are you being controlled?  Are you holding out carrots and sticks to control others?  

Where are you free? Identify relationships where you are leading each other toward intrinsic motivation. How are you empowered to be free with each other?

Where is your best work? Which area in your life are you your best self?

Step 3

In groups of three, take turns sharing what you came up with during your reflection.

Mini Scenarios Involving These Ideas


Jakub was managing a textile shop and found that Lukas seemed to need more and more rewards or rebukes to keep him paying attention to the stocking procedures. He seemed to lack the intrinsic motivation to do a good job so that the sales people could find what the customers wanted. Jakub was about ready to let Lukas go.