Arena:  Applied Critical Thinking

Facts, Opinions, and Reasoned Judgments

Go Deeper

Chalkboard with a drawing of a house and writing about facts and opinions.

Download Chalkboard PDF

ACTIVITY 1     Accelerating Knowledge Sharing

Each Catalytic Thinking Lab is supported by a WindTunneling project. WindTunneling is a systemic methodology to accelerate learning and knowledge sharing. Share what you learned from the lab transparently and anonymously. Compare your thinking and respond to the ideas of others. Everyone gets to see every idea; no one knows who shared which idea.

Go to WindTunneling. Use Project Code 23ACB to record your insights.

ACTIVITY 2     Facts, Preferences, Reasoned Judgments

Practice the activity that you did in your lab with current events. Make a new chart and identify 3-6 current events, e.g., environmental issues, a local community issue, a political debate, a new technology, or financial policy. As you fill out the chart, reflect on how the process of discerning fact, preference, and resonated judgment affects your knowledge, confidence, and understanding of an issue

ACTIVITY 3     Observing and Journaling

Create a simple knowledge map to study decision-making in your workplace or home. Loosely observe decision-making jotting down quick notes on your paper. Look out for decisions made in the House of 4 Ps and see if you can identify reasoned judgments. Listen to people referring to their opinion and discern what kind of opinion they are asserting. You could do this for a day or for a week – that is up to you.

At the end of your observation period, write a 1-3 paragraph journal entry (or blog) responding to these two questions. How were you able to discern reasoned judgments? When decisions were made in the House of 4Ps, how did people affected by the decisions respond?

Other References, Articles, and Books

  • Share references, articles, or books in the WindTunneling Project that you think will be good supplemental content for future participants.

Chalkboard with colorful writing and a table of data pertaining to Facts and Reasoned Judgment.