Arena:  Self-Knowledge for Leading and Supporting

Equity, Equality, and Fairness I

Activity 1 – Equity and Equality: Issues, Areas, and Topics

Step 1

Take time to delve into past decisions, utilizing this frame of reference to reflect on your own fairness over time. Use this framework to look at current issues in society or in your organization. How does this impact how you think and form judgments? 


Step 2

Use a large sheet of paper and colored pencils, pens, and/or pastels. In the center of your poster, create a chart that lists the characteristics for equity and equality for a reference. In the top right side column, list a variety of decisions you have made – as a parent, manager, or community leader, etc. Look at those decisions, and think about them in relationship to the characteristics chart


Step 3

Identify topics, areas, or issues, for example: income or systemic racism. Look at these areas or issues through the lenses of equity and equality. Take notes about these on your paper.


Step 4

Make notes about the ‘so what?’
What difference does it make if we have a shared understanding of the tension that lives between equity and equality?
What impact would it have on the health of our relationships?


Step 5

Post and share your maps.


Group Discussion

Reflect on what you observe in each other’s maps individually and collectively.
What can you do within your organization to act in ways that are more fair and just?


Equity, Equality, and Fairness I