Arena: Self-Knowledge for Leading and Supporting
Receiving Feedback
Activity 1 – Group Storytelling
Step 1
Get into groups of 4-5 and share stories in a ‘popcorn’ fashion (tell a story when you are ready to tell a story). Be respectful of the pauses between stories. Tell about your experiences with asking for and receiving feedback. Each person can tell 1 or 2 stories.
Step 2
While listening, think back on what you have heard about in the labs on Feedback that you would like to take up as a practice.
Step 3
Share that intention with your group.
Mini Scenarios Involving These Ideas
Stephan was set to make a presentation to his in-house Green Team on how to better manage their waste and recycling. He had practiced with his cousin and felt confident. When supervisors and colleagues brought up objections or other ideas, he listened, took notes, and told them he’d think more about it. He modified his proposal and sent them thank you notes for their feedback. His proposal was supported.