Arena:  Self-Knowledge for Leading and Supporting

Red and Green Listening

Activity 1 – Practicing Red + Green Listening

Step 1

Get in groups of 3. In this activity, we will rotate, taking turns telling a story about some part of our professional life or work that we do. Spend a few minutes preparing and taking notes about your story.


Step 2

Choose who will speak first. The other 2 members of the group will decide who will be the red listener and who will be the green listener WITHOUT telling the speaker.
Listen to the speaker, then talk about which one you thought was red and which was green, and how the experience of listening was similar to or different from how you usually listen.


Step 3

Rotate and repeat with a new speaker and listeners.


Step 4

If there is time at the end, have a larger group discussion about how we can do better in strengthening our awareness and skills in listening.