Arena:  Self-Knowledge for Leading and Supporting

Self-Accountability and Self-Assessment

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Self-Accountability and Self-Assessment

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Activity 1 – Accelerating Knowledge Sharing

Each Catalytic Thinking Lab is supported by a WindTunneling project. WindTunneling is a systemic methodology to accelerate learning and knowledge sharing. Share what you learned from the lab transparently and anonymously. Compare your thinking and respond to the ideas of others. Everyone gets to see every idea; no one knows who shared which idea.

Go to WindTunneling. Use Project Code 52SKU to record your insights.

Activity 2 – Personal Accountability Assessment

You designed a personal accountability assessment. Based on the conversation you had with a partner in the activity, there may be aspects of your design you want to change. Invest time to improve your assessment design and then do it.
Document what you learn from the assessment about your relationships and how you can consciously improve them.

Activity 3 – Professional Work Accountability Assessment

Using the same thinking framework, design a professional assessment to improve your professional accountability with your work.

What assessment measures will help you know if you are performing well in your profession?
How will you invest your time to improve your professional capacities?
What will you do? What metrics will help you?
How will you modify what you do based on your assessments?
How will you show up differently?
How often will you make your assessments?

Other References, Articles, and Books

  • Share references, articles, or books in the WindTunneling Project that you think will be good supplemental content for future participants.
