Arena:  Navigating Complex Issues

ACTIVITY Testing Future Scenarios

Step 1

Set up a WindTunnel to test an opportunity against possible future events.


On a large poster-size sheet of paper create a strategy-scenario framework. Put the poster on a wall

Alternatively, you could draw this on a whiteboard or use a table space. If you are doing the lab remotely online, you can do this at 


Step 2

Identify potential strategies or current operations.
Develop three diverse scenarios to test. Write a scenario in each row.


Step 3

Everyone writes ideas on Post-It Notes and puts them in the framework. Code the notes (by column and row), which lets you track them from their original placement.


Step 4

Once all of the ideas are posted, cluster them first going across each row. Look for emergence, patterns, and themes across each row.


Step 5

Then re-cluster them based on each column. Look for emergence, patterns, and themes across each column.


Step 6

Document your insights.