Arena:  Applied Critical Thinking

Diversity of Perspectives

Considering Relevant Points of View

Work with a partner from the lab. Choose an Opportunity Statement and related Higher Purpose from your organization. Write these as simple sentences at the top of your paper. Underneath, make three columns: Stakeholders | Opposition | Others


List who may have a Relevant Point of View about the statements from these three perspectives. What might people think and why? Record the different Points of View.


Refine Statements

Working independently, for each Point of View, write a concise Opportunity Statement from that person’s perspective. Perhaps you have discovered that a person has a different Higher Purpose – you can rewrite a new Higher Purpose for that point of view with a new Opportunity Statement. If you discover that the person perceives the problem differently, write a concise Problem Statement.


Discuss these new statements with a partner.

What do you see? What questions come up for you?