Arena:  Applied Critical Thinking

Higher Purposes and Beyond

Activity 1 –  Higher Purposes: Significance + Certainty

Step 1

Work in small groups to create an Ideals and Values Funnel for your organization. Allocate 100 beans among your values, circle your top 3-5 values.


Step 2

What are your organization’s higher purposes? List them on your map. Try to identify the top three higher purposes.

How do the ideals and values you identified relate to these higher purposes?


Step 3

Create a chart using the chalkboard as a reference to compare significance and urgency.

List each of the organization’s higher purposes on the left. Create as many columns as there are in your group. Put each person’s name at the top of the column.

Each person gets 10 beans to prioritize the organization’s higher purposes based on significance and urgency.

Discuss your results. What would happen if your organization had a process like this? How does it compare to how the organization chooses opportunities now?