Arena: Applied Critical Thinking
What Has Value in a Knowledge Economy?
Activity 1
Step 1
Work in groups of 2-3.
On a large sheet of paper make a group knowledge map of the Data | Wisdom Spectrum exploring three different time periods.
In each time period, discuss
How much emphasis was there on each of the points on the spectrum?
If your group had 100 buttons, how would you allocate them among the five components in a Knowledge Economy?
What was the emphasis at the time?
Who were the knowledge leaders?
Step 2
300 years ago circa 1720 at the beginning of the Scientific and Industrial Revolution.
100 years ago circa 1920s just after WWI and prior to the Great Depression.
Current year 2020 reflecting on Internet, Google, Social Media and Cell Phones.
Step 3
Review all three time periods, what insights come?