Arena:  Applied Critical Thinking

Modes of Thinking

Personal Affinities

Step 1

Look at the Modes of Thinking, and reflect on the past few weeks (either at home or at work). Who are the people you have interacted with, and what Modes do they gravitate to? What Modes do you gravitate to? When things are stressful, which Modes do you or others go to? Identify your most comfortable Mode, and also the Mode you feel least confident about. Look for patterns.

Step 2

Look at someone you’re close to in your home life and someone in your work life, and identify what you think are their strongest and weakest modes. How do the preferred modes of thinking relate to relationships where you have conflict and where you really get along? Do you see any patterns that can help you bridge these situations and give you more insight into how you think in relationship to others?

The words, Modes of Thinking, written in purple chalk with a bar diagram and words written underneath it in different-colored chalk.